Workforce Development
Workforce development.
The Workforce Development Program helps individuals obtain and advance in competitive, integrated employment. Our staff assists in identifying the type of work an individual enjoys - by exploring all available work options, acquiring new skills for a potential employment opportunity, completing applications in partnership with the individual being served, supporting those we serve in interviews and securing the most independent and cost effective transportation to get to work.
Our DSP Employment Specialists utilize tools such as discovery and customized employment to place individuals in the most successful employment setting. Once initial job training is complete, our staff provides ongoing support. At OBI, we focus on an individual's capability, so truly the sky is the limit for achievement. The range of job and career opportunities extends from retail businesses, to fast-food restaurants, to production and manufacturing, and even to office operations in government agencies or in high-tech firms. Our goal is always to help those we serve maximize their potential to lead fulfilling lives.
New Summer Program at OBI
OBI was proud to partner with Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) this summer to offer a Summer of Work and Growth (SWAG) program to diploma-bound 9th and 10th graders with IEPs. The program ran for 5 weeks Mondays-Thursdays at OBI. Students earned up to $100 each as they accomplished various milestones over the summer. We look forward to offering this program to even more students next summer, thanks to generous funding from AACPS!
How to apply.
Prior to submitting an application, we highly recommend that you set up a time to virtually meet with Colleen Spaniol, to discuss your specific interest in OBI as well as to learn more about our available programs.
Opportunity Builders, Inc.
Attn: Colleen Spaniol
8855 Veterans Highway
Millersville, MD 21108